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Seeking A Daring Vision

Writer's picture: Ling ZhangLing Zhang

Updated: Apr 1, 2024

Become the one you are aimed to be - How to Find Your Signature Vision (4)

It’s in Christ that we find out who we are and what we were living for. Long before we first heard of Christ and got our hopes up, he and his eye on us, had designs on us for glorious living, part of the overall purpose he is working out in everything and everyone - Ephesians 1:11-12

Three steps to find your daring vision

One day, a little girl excitedly told her friends her dream of building an orphanage. They asked “Well, how much money do you have?” “I have three pennies!” answered the little girl cheerfully with a burning desire glowing in her eyes. “Oh, you cannot start an orphanage with just three pennies,” said her friends. “But with God and three pennies, I can do anything.” replied the little girl with determination. The little girl would later become well known as Mother Teresa. With only three pennies to start, Mother Teresa had a daring vision—an orphanage for the homeless. She and God did start an orphanage and a ministry that has changed the lives of many.

You are on the journey to Find Your Signature Vision. In the last three posts of the four series, you learned to

1. Start with the End in Mind, Why should you need a vision tells you how important to have a vision in life so you know the direction in your life journey

3. Respond to the Divine Call, Listen to his whispers for a full blossom encourages you to respond to your divine calling through people around you, nature and significant events or learning God words.

Finding our signature vision is a two-way process, first we need to listen to the calling from God and respond to our unique calling; second we have to proactively seek our calling from God. This is one hundred percent of God’s sovereignty also is our hundred percent responsibility. That means that our divine calling is completely from God, meanwhile we have to seek it and make it come true with utter stewardship.

Today, let’s take our ownership to start Step 4, seek a daring vision, so we can become the one we are aimed to be.

A vision is an inner conviction about what tomorrow we should become. Growing beyond average and becoming extraordinary are intentional. It also takes extraordinary effort. To find your vision, it takes three steps (see the figure on upper left).

1. Know God and believe in Him

First, you have to get to know God, and believe in Him. God is the initiator and origin of everything.

Even your dreams and visions are initiated by God whether you realize it or not. God formed your innermost being, your unique personality built with a unique purpose. your personality is in your DNA that defines who you are in Him. You have to ask Him to help you understand and know yourself. The bible says, “It’s in Christ that we find out who we are and what we were living for. Long before we first heard of Christ and got our hopes up, he and his eye on us, had designs on us for glorious living, part of the overall purpose he is working out in everything and everyone” (Ephesians 1:11-12)

2. Know yourself—your unique personality

Once you know God and believe in Him, the second step is to know yourself—your unique personality. Your personality decides your character, the way you think, feel, and behave. It determines what you like, and what your strengths and weaknesses are. Some people may be introverted, some extroverted; some might be very logical or some emotional; some people are good at art while others are good at mathematics.

When you were born, God gave you a special gift and that is your strength. He also has a unique purpose for your special gift that associates with a big vision for your life so you should become a person God wants you to be. The vision is eventually transformed into your dream, your unique burning desire. You get excited and passionate about it and you are fired up by the vision and nothing can stop you. And the vision will never fail because it comes from God. The Bible tells us, “With God nothing is impossible” (Luke 1:37). Napoleon Hill once said “What the mind of man can conceive and believe, it can achieve.”

3. Know your end—what you want to become in the end—your vision

Third, you should know what you want to become in the end—your vision. It includes what your family looks like, what career you pursue, what people are around you, how you impact others, and what kind of community you are involved and what you contribute or add values to others. Eventually you live out your unique purpose, fulfill your calling in this one life, and glorify God while adding value to others and serving others.

Our personality defines our passion and our reason for living—our calling from God and the vision.

The first two steps are about knowing oneself from God’s perspective. If you do not know God, you will be searching in blindness and will not find the right version of yourself. To find your vision, you must start with searching your heart first. The famous psychologist Carl Jung once said, Your vision will become clear only when you can look into your own heart. Who looks outside, dreams; who looks inside, awakes.John Maxwell has said in his one-minute talk, “knowing God and His desires for him, growing to his maximum potential, and sowing seeds that benefit others.”

It takes knowledge to understand the world around you, but it takes wisdom to know yourself. You can get that specific kind of wisdom from God.

A vision has nothing to do with what you have or where you are now. Mother Teresa had only three pennies but she still got the daring vision of building an orphanage with God.

Yuhua Yang is an ordinary photographer. She has never been a movie director; she never learned how to be a movie director. But God knows she has the right talent. In her searching, she found no movie directors in China has faith, she got a vision to make a Christian movie with God together. This is a daring and impossible vision from man’s perspective. And even she herself did not have much faith at the beginning. However, after about 10 years, God and she made it come true. The documentary movie, Song of wilderness won four awards in 2018, unbelievable!

So do not let what you have and where you are now stop you seeking a daring vision, instead earnestly and constantly call to God as He said, You will seek me and find me, when you seek me with all your heart.” (Jeremiah 29:13)Ask and it will be given to you; seek and you will find; knock and the door will be opened to you.” (Matthew 7:7) So believe, seek, and you shall find. Pay attention to his voice.

When you ask God, He will answer you at His time and reveal His secrets. Once you know His secrets, you will gain the vision of life that He predestined for you. When you gain your vision, life is not aimless anymore. It is mission oriented and purpose driven. Your life becomes meaningful, exciting, and adventuresome. On your journey to fulfill the vision, partner with God and commit it to Him, work on it with perseverance and an unyielding spirit until you see your vision have a full blossom and bear juicy fruits.

Now we finish the four series, Find Your Signature Vision, in the next post, I will review the four series so you can know where you are on the journey.

Seeking A Daring Vision - Grow to Your Fullest

May you grow to your fullest!

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*** Please DOWLOAD the FREE document, Find your signature vision questionnaires so you use it to help you find your life vision and mission. 

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