Embrace Six Elements of Faith to Build Confidence
Updated: Jan 15, 2023
Break Through External Obstacles (4)
Faith is the antidote of failing, the inner confidence to win
It’s the beginning of a new year! Many people set New Year’s Resolutions. Study shows that only 8% of people actually reach them, which means 92% of people fail. 62% of people give up on their resolutions within a month. Why? Because most people usually miss one key factor, that is the antidote to failing – Faith.
To reach your goals, you have to add one key factor in your action – that’s the faith. Without faith, there is no confidence, without confidence, you cannot achieve your goals. Faith is the antidote of failing, the inner confidence to win.
You are on the journey to Grow to Your Fullest, Step 3, the series of Breaking through External Obstacles. In the last post, we talked about the three pillars of a winning foundation, Character, Competence, and Confidence, that can help you stand firm during hard times and bloom after that. The three pillars seamlessly work together to conquer all the external forces against us.
Today, let’s discuss the foundation of confidence, faith, and introduce the six elements of faith so you can build lasting inner confidence and grow to your fullest.
What is the faith? In bible, it’s said; “faith is confidence in what we hope for and assurance about what we do not see” (Hebrews 11:1) Faith is to take what we dream of the future as the reality now. It transcends the moment now to the future; it connects to the divine power of cosmos and draws the energy of universe; it makes us sense it, feel it, and see it within beyond common sense.
Faith does not believe in a dead end. Faith can move mountains. Faith makes miracles happen.
Huang Guolun, an excellent music creator and a singer with less publicity from Taiwan, dreamed to hold his solo concert in the Bird's Nest at Beijing that can hold 91,000 audiences. After he made the announcement, all his sponsors laughed at him and criticized that he dreamed an impossible dream and left him except for his faithful wife. Facing the rejections and cynicism, he did not give up but themed his solo concert as Nothing Is Impossible. He moved on with a stubborn faith and conquered a series of unexpected obstacles and made his dream come true. Now he is a famous singer and speaker and his success motivated thousands of people to add faith in their life formula and achieve impossible dreams.
There are many stories about faith in the Bible: first Abraham showed his faith in sacrificing Isaac; David won the battle against Goliath by faith in calling upon the Lord’s name; Caleb and Joshua by faith rejected the negative report from others about entering Canaan. “Without faith, it’s impossible to please God” (Hebrews 11:6). Without faith, we will not win God’s partnership because he is not pleased with us.
Faith is to walk with God in life: to act, risk, give, laugh, hope and love with courage, wisdom and face temporary defeat with serenity. Faith is rooted in our innermost heart; it’s our inner strength that builds up our outer strength.
If our vision comes from God, He will help us achieve the vision. There is no need to fear the roadblocks along the way. On the way to chase our dreams, constantly put our trust in Him, no matter how difficult the journey is. Remember to present our request to Him consistently, and commit everything we do to Him and ask for His guidance and believe God is our compass.
When we get lost, if we ask him, he will bring us back on the right track. He has said, “call to me and I will answer you and tell you great and unsearchable things you do not know” (Jeremiah 33:3).
When you are down to nothing, God is up to something. When you learn to call for Him and count on Him, you can always find a new oasis in the desert, a new path out at a dead end.
Faith is the foundation of our inner confidence. And it plays a central and critical role for us to win in spite of all the challenges, obstacles, chaos, and frustration.
Faith is so powerful as it holds six elements together by nature and make all things work together for us to grow to our fullest (Figure on the right below).
1. Faith is holding on the vision
2. Faith is confronting Brutal Facts
3. Faith is taking risk with discernment
4. Faith is determination and perseverance
5. Faith means to stay focused
6. Faith is obedience and flexibility
We will discuss each of the six elements in detail in the future posts. Please Subscribe Grow to Your Fullest and be the first to read our messages
Do you consistently face the challenges to reach your goals? Do you want to experience the power of faith and make a difference this year? Please Subscribe Grow to Your Fullest.
The road that leads to a mountain top is less traveled and narrow. As 80% of people have not ever dreamed to be there, for these who dreamed, less than 3% of people actually take action to start their journey; for these who started their journey, only 1% of them reached to the top. This 1% of people traveled with faith. Subscribe Grow to Your Fullest to be among the top %1 of people to reach your goals in 2023 and be on the mountain top.
In the next post, I will introduce the first element of faith - Faith is holding on your vision to help you stick on your dream when you are in the darkest hours on your journey.
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*** Please DOWLOAD the FREE document, Find your signature vision questionnaires so you use it to help you find your life vision and mission.
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